Community Power is part of a consortium in an EU funded project under the Horizon Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021-2027), partnering with six different EU countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Slovenia, and Spain).

As the energy sector transitions towards a more sustainable and decentralized model, energy communities emerge as a promising approach to harness renewable energy resources and distribute it effectively among communities. The POWER-E-COM project aims to foster the development of these energy communities by providing support and guidance to municipalities, existing energy communities and engaged citizens

Energy Communities (ECs) are organised groups of people who come together with a shared goal: to generate, consume, and often share renewable energy. These communities are driven by a commitment to sustainability and a desire to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. ECs harness various renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass to produce clean energy. They often involve local residents, businesses and institutions collaborating to install renewable energy systems, such as solar panels on rooftops or wind turbines in the community

The POWER-E-COM project helps overcome the barriers that municipalities, citizen groups, or SMEs encounter to create or make their Energy Communities viable. Models and tools are being designed to facilitate the setting up of local energy communities, empowering citizens to take a proactive role in the energy transition.