Events for July 20, 2023 - March 7, 2020

Irish Rural Link Webinar – Shaping our electricity future. North East

Irish Rural Link are hosting a series of consultation workshops on EirGrid’s Shaping Our Electricity Future Strategy. A new report that details innovative approaches to developing the grid to meet ambitious 2030 renewable energy targets. It must redevelop the grid to manage 70% of Ireland’s electricity coming from renewable sources by 2030. Shaping Our Electricity Future comprises four approaches to achieving this, as well as meeting the projected increase demand for electricity over the coming years. 1. Generation-Led: Government policy […]


Irish Rural Link Webinar – Shaping our Electricity Future. Border Region

Irish Rural Link are hosting a series of consultation workshops on EirGrid’s Shaping Our Electricity Future Strategy. A new report that details innovative approaches to developing the grid to meet ambitious 2030 renewable energy targets. It must redevelop the grid to manage 70% of Ireland’s electricity coming from renewable sources by 2030. Shaping Our Electricity Future comprises four approaches to achieving this, as well as meeting the projected increase demand for electricity over the coming years. 1. Generation-Led: Government policy […]


Green Offaly & Community Power

Online webinar Banba Square, Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland

join us as we embark on our mission to become Irelands first Carbon Neutral County. If you want to learn how to generate profit for your Community by installing your own Renewable Energy Scheme then this training is for you! Community Power and Green Offaly are here to help your group begin the journey to 100% Community Owned Power!


REGATRACE – Renewable Gas Trade Centre in Europe

ZOOM LINK REGATRACE - 2nd Participants Workshop “ The vision for biomethane in Ireland” Start Time: Jul 29, 2021 09:30am BST London, 10:30am CET Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 865 9972 1908 Passcode: 769339   REGATRACE (Renewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) aims to create an efficient trade system based on issuing and trading biomethane/renewable gases Guarantees of Origin (GoO). This will strongly contribute to the uptake of the European common biomethane market. It will be achieved by setting […]


Unlocking Community Energy

Online webinar Banba Square, Nenagh, Tipperary, Ireland

What is Community Power? This webinar is an opportunity to meet the communities that are generating their own electricity and to learn more about this quietly growing movement. Join our online event with Sarah and John Fogarty from, PJ Prendergast from Claremorris and Western-District Energy Co-op and Oisin Coughlan and Deirdre Duff from Friends of the Earth Ireland and find out more!  


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